The Summus Blog

Why does Constipation cause Pee and Poo Leaks in Kids?
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

Why does Constipation cause Pee and Poo Leaks in Kids?

Constipation in kiddos is common, but not normal and can cause poop and pee leaks. Poop and pee leaks are not the child's fault, instead it is a dysfunction of the pelvic floor and bowel and bladder. PT can help address this and here's how!

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Why Dry Needling? The Science and Benefits of a Complementary Treatment
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

Why Dry Needling? The Science and Benefits of a Complementary Treatment

Pain and muscle dysfunction, whether chronic or acute, can significantly impact our quality of life. Physical therapy focuses on restoring, maintaining, and improving your physical function and overall well-being.  In the state of Colorado, qualified and trained physical therapists may suggest including a technique called dry needling to address pain and dysfunction. 

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Don’t get stuck on Hip Impingement!
Guest User Guest User

Don’t get stuck on Hip Impingement!

Hip impingement, also known as femoracetabular impingement (FAI) is a common hip condition that can cause discomfort and limited mobility. This condition occurs when there is abnormal contact between the ball of the femur and the hip socket, leading to friction and potential damage to the joint. See how physical therapy can help address these symptoms and prevent them from worsening.

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The Low Back Problem: Part II
Guest User Guest User

The Low Back Problem: Part II

Physical therapy is a widely recommended and effective treatment approach for low back pain (LBP). Within your individualized treatment plan, we will focus on reducing pain, improving function, and promoting long-term recovery and prevention of recurrance. Here are some of the benefits of PT for low back pain…

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The Low Back Problem: Part I
Guest User Guest User

The Low Back Problem: Part I

Raise your hand if you’ve experienced low back pain at some point in your life? Yes? No? If no, this is great! If yes, you are among the majority of people who experience back pain and so let’s spend some time chatting about it!

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Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort


What is an orgasm? Did you know that ejaculation and orgasm are two seperate events? Pelvic floor muscle health and functioning (in addition to other factors) can impact quality of orgasm. Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction can be associated with inability to orgasm or painful orgasm and thus can be addressed in pelvic floor PT.

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What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

What is erectile dysfunction? What causes erectile dysfunction? What are treatments for erectile dysfunction? Read more to learn more about erectile dysfunction and how pelvic health and pelvic floor physical therapy may be able to help you.

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What is an Erection? What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

What is an Erection? What is Erectile Dysfunction?

The next few blog post series will focus on those with a penis. This is a multi part blog post.  Part 1 will focus on the what is erection and how to get an erection, second part 2 will focus on what is ejaculation, and part 3 will focus on orgasm.  After discussing this, we will discuss what is premature ejaculation? And then what is erectile dysfunction? And what are treatments for erectile dysfunction?  Lots of interesting topics to look forward to for the next few months, so stay tuned!

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Vulvar Lichen Sclerosis: A Contributor and Cause of Pelvic Pain
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

Vulvar Lichen Sclerosis: A Contributor and Cause of Pelvic Pain

What is this diagnosis and why is it important to write about? Well, it’s because it can be a cause of pelvic pain and affects more reproductive aged people than one may think. Because it is a skin disorder that affects the vulva and genitals, it crosses over into two specialties for diagnosis: gynecology and dermatology. So, let’s chat about it!

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Sex Positivity
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

Sex Positivity

Raise your hand if you said yes to something you didn’t really want to do? Raise your hand if you said yes to something that you really didn’t have time for? Raise your hand if you said ‘yes’ to something thinking you’ll be fine and have the time, but then as the date creeps closer you realize you don’t have the time and it has added extra stress to your plate? If you didn’t say yes to any of these scenarios, applaud yourself!! If you were one that did say ‘yes’ to any of these scenarios, take a moment to reflect on if it was completely necessary that you said yes. Did you have to do it or, rather, did you felt obligated to not to let others down sacrificing your own needs and thus infringing on your very own boundaries?

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Setting Boundaries
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

Setting Boundaries

Raise your hand if you said yes to something you didn’t really want to do? Raise your hand if you said yes to something that you really didn’t have time for? Raise your hand if you said ‘yes’ to something thinking you’ll be fine and have the time, but then as the date creeps closer you realize you don’t have the time and it has added extra stress to your plate? If you didn’t say yes to any of these scenarios, applaud yourself!! If you were one that did say ‘yes’ to any of these scenarios, take a moment to reflect on if it was completely necessary that you said yes. Did you have to do it or, rather, did you felt obligated to not to let others down sacrificing your own needs and thus infringing on your very own boundaries?

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Mindfulness and Burnout
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

Mindfulness and Burnout

Let’s discuss burnout and mindfulness.  And what better time than around the holidays, the New Year, AND as we begin rounding in on 2 years of the pandemic.  Did you know that burnout has become so widespread that it has been given its own diagnosis code in the medical community?  It’s true, the World Health Organization has added burnout as a disease and formal diagnosis in the ICD-11 system.  

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Diaphragmatic (Deep) Breathing
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

Diaphragmatic (Deep) Breathing

This month's post will build on October’s post. I mentioned before, that the pelvic floor muscles are involved in breathing and breath coordination is integral in coordinating the core. I want to spend some time focusing on the mechanics of a deep breath and the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing, also known as deep breathing.

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What are the Pelvic Floor Muscles?
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

What are the Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Many of you have that worked with me, will know exactly what the pelvic floor is; if it has been a while, here is a wonderful reminder; and welcome to those who are not sure what the pelvic floor is. Let’s dive in!

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What Every Person Should Know
Monica Vandervoort Monica Vandervoort

What Every Person Should Know

I was recently asked, “What is something you think every person should know?”  As a PT, I feel that is a loaded question, but when I took a few more seconds to contemplate, I realized, I want every person to know about their body. 

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